Celebrating 40 years on beautiful Georgian Bay


The Nature League, a group of 150 individuals, extends a warm welcome to anyone interested in our objectives. We seek ways to conserve and protect the environment and to promote partnership. As a member, you receive our newsletter, published three times a year, informing you of environmental concerns as well as forthcoming club activities and events such as:

Highest Point on Bruce Trail
  1. Group events
  2. Organized weekly educational nature walks in spring and fall through the Georgian Triangle's varied flora and fauna.
  3. Snowshoeing in winter, followed by "soup's on"‚ at the leader's home.
  4. Social events such as pot luck suppers, BBQs.
  5. Educational meetings with interesting speakers.
  6. Fundraisers "For The Environment"

Our Mission Statement

The “Nature League”* is dedicated to promoting an awareness and appreciation of our natural surroundings focusing on the Georgian Triangle. While seeking ways to conserve and protect the environment, members are encouraged to participate in the many and varied activities organized by/sponsored by the League.

Through the education of its members and the public; through the recognition of the human impacts on the environment and as a result of the  financial and moral support of like minded groups/organizations, the  Nature League envisions a future in which area residents can live in harmony with nature and the natural environment.

*Incorporated as “The Senior League Endowment Society of Collingwood Inc."

Red Bellied Woodpeckers

Join the Nature League:

Would you like to be part of our future and the continuing story?
You can complete our Membership Application Form by going to Contact Us for full details.

Group Photo